Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Product #022002

Price: $0.20
Stock: In stock


Teaching Children - Certification Check-off Card. Track #2

Teaching Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program. 

Teaching Children imparts ideas and educational theories that help teach children in ways that are fun, dynamic, and spiritual.

 The workshops on this itinerary include:

  • Active Learning & Bible Learning Activities*
  • Teaching Sabbath School*
  • Teaching Children to Think
  • Teaching from Nature
  • Memorization Without Tears
  • Craft Lab
  • Interactive Storytelling
  • Disciplining with Grace & Love
  • Children Praise and Worship
  • Teaching Children to Pray

Copyright 2013

The requirements and check-off card for completion of the Advanced Children's Ministries certification for local church directors and teachers.