Understanding Children - track 1 Check-off  Card (Spanish)

Understanding Children - track 1 Check-off Card (Spanish)

Product #022011

Price: $0.20
Stock: In stock


Understanding Children - Certification Check-off Card. Track #1

Understanding Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program. 

Understanding Children is about comprehending various types of children and the way they develop, think, and behave. Understanding Children also provides ways to promote mental, physical, and spiritual growth.

The workshops on this itinerary include:

  • Understanding Child Development*
  • Faith Development & Life Stages*
  • 21st Century Children*
  • Learning Styles*
  • Temperaments
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Understanding Challeging Kids
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Entering the World of Kids
  • Helping Children through Tough Times

Copyright 2017

The requirements and check-off card for completion of the Advanced Children's Ministries certification for local church directors and teachers.