Health in a Hurry - Balanced Living - PPT  Download (Spanish)

Health in a Hurry - Balanced Living - PPT Download (Spanish)

Product #500727

Price: $5.00
Stock: In stock



Todos sabemos que necesitamos comer mejor para sentirnos mejor. Pero, ¿cómo se logra esto con un estilo de vida ocupado y exigente? Salud a Toda Prisa comparte las claves para comer bien en el camino, en la escuela y en la oficina.

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NOTA: Las ventas de archivos descargables son definitivas y no son reembolsables.



We all know we need to eat better in order to feel better.  But how is this accomplished with a busy, demanding lifestyle?  Health in a Hurry shares the keys to eating well on the road, at school, and at the office.

DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download instructions.

NOTE: Sales of downloadable files are final and are non-refundable.